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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • To comply with the terms of the publisher's Crossref membership, Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) must be included with references when they are available. To check for DOIs, you can use the Free DOI Lookup form on the Crossref website. By checking the box, you assert that you have included DOIs where applicable.

Author Guidelines

FORMAT. All submissions must be in Microsoft Word format and conform to the Review's Style Guide. Guides for preparing articles and commentaries are available in PDF format or as a Word document. Guides for preparing book reviews are available in PDF format or as a Word document.

A file containing citation entries for Vol. 1, No. 1 (2006) through Vol. 15, Nos. 1-2 (2020) of Empirical Musicology Review is available for authors using BibTeX to manage citations. Additionally, any EMR BibTeX entry may be found by entering the citation DOI at

LANGUAGE. Submissions are accepted in English, including an English-language abstract. At the author's discretion, additional abstracts in other languages may also be submitted.

SUBMISSION PROCEDURE. Submissions must be electronically "uploaded" using the appropriate web page.

FORMAT REJECTION. Submissions are subjected to an automated screening process that checks to ensure conformity with the EMR Style Guide. This includes checking font type and size, margins, and other layout information. Only those submissions that conform fully to the EMR Style Guide are forwarded to the Editor. You will be notified automatically by e-mail if your submission fails to meet the technical specification for submission. Ensuring conformity to the Style Guide will help avoid delays.

DIGITAL OBJECT IDENTIFIERS. To comply with the terms of the publisher's Crossref membership, Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) must be included with references when they are available. To check for DOIs, you can use the Free DOI Lookup form on the Crossref website.

DATA REPORTS. Data Reports describe datasets useful for empirical music research, such as musical metadata, annotations of musical corpora in symbolic or audio formats, automatically extracted musical features, data from psychological experiments, etc.

  • In the spirit of Open Science, we particularly invite submissions of reports on datasets in open formats, such as TXT, CSV, XML, JSON, etc. Proprietary formats are not excluded per se but researchers are encouraged to transform/export their data into open formats.
  • A Data Report should not contain elaborate analyses of the data but only include basic statistics summarising the size and structure of the dataset (e.g. number of observations and variables, basic descriptive statistics of each variable where appropriate and useful). The report should be written in a concise manner, providing information about file formats, any licenses, data sources, data generation and collection, pre-processing, and potential applications. This information may also to be summarized in a tabular format. A small number of figures can be included.
  • Data Reports also need to contain instructions on how to obtain the data by providing a link to a public repository (e.g., OSF, Zenodo, GitHub, figshare). Please note that the datasets themselves should not be submitted to EMR.
  • Data Reports should generally describe recently created datasets but may exceptionally also cover older datasets if they have not been described elsewhere yet.
  • In the case of multiple authors, the role and specific contribution of each author in relation to the data should be made clear in the report (e.g. transcription, data cleaning, annotation, preprocessing, feature extraction). Authors of Data Reports are responsible for ensuring that the legal and ethical conditions for publishing and distributing the data are met.
  • The template for Data Reports is the same as for articles and commentaries, but be mindful of the word limit: Data Reports should generally not exceed a limit of 2000 words.
  • Data Reports will be assigned a DOI and are therefore citable just as common research articles.

Book Review

Research Report

The research report can contain replication studies, conference reports and dissertation abstracts.

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